Rejoining Weight Watchers

“Why is weight loss so tough?”, I thought to myself this past weekend.

Since August I have gained 12.4 pounds, which is CRAZY to me.  I struggled with binge eating back in August, but since then I’ve really done a good job of controlling my portions and sticking to my weekly plan.  In addition, Neal and I have been training for the 15K and are up to 8 mile long runs!  I am just baffled by my weight gain, but I knew it was time to make a big decision.

In the past, I have been extremely successful with Weight Watchers.  I have probably joined weight watchers 15 times (no joke) in my lifetime, but had the greatest success back in 2006-2007 when I lost 50 pounds.  I had gotten down to 207 by the summer of 2007 and have fluctuated between 207 and 220 since then.

This weekend I made the decision to join Weight Watchers ONE LAST TIME!  It’s scary to say that because I know it’s going to be tough.  I know it’s going to be challenging.  And I fear that I will quit, just as I have done in the past.

Since losing the weight back in 2007, I wanted so badly to do it on my own.  I was happy at 207, I felt skinny, and even though “there is no way I can get down to 179 pounds!  I wanted to be free of dieting and to just live a happy and healthy life on my own.  I’ve tried, and I’ve been successful, but I have learned that I still have a long way to go and I LOVE accountability.

The Weight Watchers program has changed over the past 5 years, making it easy for me to be cynical.  When I lost the 50 pounds back in 2007, I did it on the Weight Watchers CORE plan and have had it in my head that “I never want to count points again”.  Having said this though, I know that the Weight Watchers philosophy is a great one and I believe in their program.  Returning to Weight Watchers is a VERY big decision for me and one that I did not take lightly.

Last night at 6:45PM I talked into my first Weight Watchers meeting.  Now, I don’t know about you but weighing myself at night is SCARY.  I usually try to weight myself first thing in the morning with as little clothing on as possible but this time around I said “screw it”!  I am going to weigh in at 6:45PM on Tuesday nights in whatever clothing I have on that day.  I am going to be true to myself and am going to give it my all.

Last night I weighed in at 229.4 pounds, my highest since losing weight back in 2007.

My goals for right now are ….

  1. Weigh-in every Tuesday night (Biggest Loser night, woop woop)
  2. Continue to workout and train as I have been doing
  3. Look and feel great for Neal’s and my engagement photos
  4. Lose 5% of my body weight — 11 pounds (218.4)
  5. Lose 10% of my body weight — 22 pounds (207 — my lowest from 2007)
  6. Decide upon my next goal after losing 10% of my body weight
  7. Don’t quit!


This week, based on my body weight, I can eat 38 points plus a day and have a weekly 49 points plus allowance.  Those 49 points will come in handy on Thursday night, as Neal and I have a food tasting appointment with a caterer.

Breakfast – 7PP total

  • 1 cup multi grain cheerios – 3PP
  • 1 cup skim milk – 3PP
  • 1 banana- 0PP
  • 1 cup coffee with 1 TBSP creamer- 1PP

I do have to share about this shot glass measuring cup.  This is a great way to measure out salad dressings and creamer, without having to get out your measuring spoons.  I found my shot glass at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Lunch – 9PP total

  • Homemade turkey taco meat mixture (ground turkey, black beans, rotel, refried beans, and taco seasoning)- 7PP
  • 2 Tortilla factory tortillas- 2PP
  • lettuce- 0PP

Snacks- 7PP

  • Apple- 0PP
  • Cabot cheese- 2PP
  • NuGo dark mint chocolate bar- 5PP


I have 17 PP remaining for dinner tonight, which leaves me with a LOT of options.  Tonight I am having dinner with Katy, one of my loyal readers!  We’ve having dinner at Cosi, so I went ahead and checked out Cosi’s website.

After checking out the menu and plugging the nutritional information into my calculator, I have narrowed down my dinner choices to either the Greek Chicken Pizza- 15PP or the Hummus and Veggie Sandwich- 10PP.  If I got the sandwich, I could always grab a latte after dinner.

Whatever I decide, today should end right on point, without having to use any of my weekly points allowance.  I did not workout this morning, but hope to take spin tomorrow morning.


Thank you for being a part of my journey!  If you’re on Weight Watchers and ever have questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me.  If you’re not on Weight Watchers, I’d love to hear about your journey and to help you along your way!

OH, and don’t forget that today is the last day to enter to win my Clif Bar giveaway.  Just leave a comment on yesterday’s post!